Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.

Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.

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Last name Perryman

To tap on a clip to paste it in the text box, you would typically follow these steps:

1. Ensure that you have a clip or snippet of text copied to your device's clipboard. This can usually be done by selecting the desired text and choosing the "Copy" option.

2. Locate the text box where you want to paste the clip. This could be a chat message, an email composition field, or any other type of text input.

3. Position your cursor or tap on the text box to place the insertion point.

4. On most devices, a long press (press and hold) activates the context menu that includes the "Paste" option. Tap and hold your finger on the text box until the context menu appears.

5. In the context menu, you should see the "Paste" option. Tap on it to paste the clip from your clipboard into the text box.

The specific steps can vary slightly between different devices and operating systems, but this general procedure should work for most smartphones, tablets, and computers.