Read the excerpt from “On the Mountain”

That's when it happened. A three-hundred-year-old Douglas fir extended a root like a big, gnarled foot across the path and, not seeing the hazard, Jess fell right over it and landed hard on her knee. For a moment she just stayed there, blinking back the tears that threatened to fill her eyes.
What type of conflict is described in this excerpt?
A. character versus self
B. character versus character
C. character versus society
D. character versus nature

Omg!! I read this story not too long ago. The answer is D. (*^▽^*)

The type of conflict described in this excerpt is character versus nature.

To determine the type of conflict described in the excerpt, we need to analyze the nature of the challenge or obstacle that the character, Jess, faces. In this case, the conflict can be identified as character versus nature.

The passage describes how Jess trips and falls over a root of a Douglas fir tree, which is a natural element in her surroundings. The conflict arises from her interaction with the physical world and the unexpected obstacle that it presents. Therefore, the conflict is characterized as character versus nature.

To answer this question, you could closely examine the details provided in the excerpt to make an inference about the type of conflict being presented. Understanding the different types of conflict, such as character versus self, character versus character, character versus society, and character versus nature, will help you make an accurate determination.