Express (158 lb)^2 to three significant figures with appropriate units. Does anyone know why the answer is 25.0*10^-3 kip^2 instead of 25.0*10^3 lb^2?

(158 lb)^2=24954lb^2 and in three significant figure itequals 25.0*10^3 lb^2 right?

158^2 = 24964 = 25000 lb^2 = 2.50*10^4 lb^2

1 kip = 10^3 lb
1 kip^2 = 10^6 lb^2
2.50* 10^4 lb^2 * 1 kip^2/10^6 lb^2 = 2.50 * 10^-2 kip^2
which is 25.0 * 10^-3 kip^2
BUT the correct way to write that is with ONE digit left of the decimal point
2.50 * 10^-2 :)

Expand −58(3p+8).(1 point)


−158 + 3p
−158 + 3p

3p + 8
3p + 8

−158 p−5
−158 p−5

−15p + (−40)

To express (158 lb)^2 to three significant figures with appropriate units, we need to first calculate the square of 158 lb.

(158 lb)^2 = 158 lb * 158 lb
= 24964 lb^2

In three significant figures, the answer would be 25.0 * 10^3 lb^2. However, the correct unit for this answer is kip^2, not lb^2.

1 kip = 1000 lb

Therefore, the answer should be expressed as 25.0 * 10^-3 kip^2. The exponent of -3 indicates the conversion from lb^2 to kip^2, where 1 kip^2 is equal to 10^-3 lb^2.

To express (158 lb)^2 to three significant figures with appropriate units, you first need to square the value and then round it off.

(158 lb)^2 = 24964 lb^2

Next, you need to express the result using scientific notation and three significant figures. Since the original value is given in pounds (lb), and we want to express it in kip^2, we need to convert lb^2 to kip^2.

To convert from pounds (lb) to kip (k), divide the value by 1000 (since 1 kip = 1000 lb).

24964 lb^2 ÷ 1000 = 24.964 kip^2

Now, let's express this result in scientific notation.

To do this, we need to move the decimal point two places to the left since the number 24.964 has three significant figures.

24.964 kip^2 ≈ 2.49 × 10^1 kip^2

However, keep in mind that we expressed the result to three significant figures, so the final answer should be rounded off accordingly.

Rounding off 2.49 to three significant figures gives us 2.50.

Therefore, the final answer, rounded to three significant figures with appropriate units, is:

2.50 × 10^1 kip^2

So, the correct expression is 25.0 × 10^-3 kip^2, not 25.0 × 10^3 lb^2.