
2 1/2

as an improper fraction.

2 1/2 as an improper fraction is 5/2. First, split the mixed fraction into the sum of a whole number and a fraction: 2 1/2 => 2 + 1/2 Then, rewrite the whole number as an equivalent fraction: 2=>4/2 Lastly, add together the two fractions to get the answer: 4/2+1/2=5/2 Here's the whole process: color(white)=2 1/2 =2+1/2 =4/2+1/2 =(4+1)/2 =5/2

thank you

To write 2 1/2 as an improper fraction, we need to convert the mixed number into a fraction.

Step 1: Multiply the whole number (2) by the denominator of the fractional part (2): 2 x 2 = 4.

Step 2: Add the result from Step 1 to the numerator of the fractional part (1): 4 + 1 = 5.

Step 3: Write the result from Step 2 as the numerator, followed by the denominator of the fractional part (2): 5/2.

Therefore, 2 1/2 as an improper fraction is 5/2.

To convert the mixed number 2 1/2 into an improper fraction, you need to multiply the whole number part (2) by the denominator of the fraction (2) and then add the numerator (1). This gives you a new numerator of 5. The denominator remains the same. So, the improper fraction form of 2 1/2 is 5/2.