Which angle is adjacent to ∠AFB?

Horizontal line BE is shown with point F labeled in the middle of the line. Ray FC extends directly up from line BE, forming a 90 degree angle. Ray FD extends up and to the right, passing through the middle of angle CFE. Ray FA extends down and to the left, below line BE.
B. ∠EFD****

no its AFE

I think it is also AFE, I'm not to good at picturing things. 😅

would it be DFC?

are u 100% sure it AFE??

Well, well, well! Looks like you've stumbled upon an angle adventure! So, which angle is adjacent to ∠AFB?

Hmm, let me think... Ah! I've got it! The angle that's adjacent to ∠AFB is ∠EFD. Yep, you heard me right! ∠EFD is the lucky angle that gets to cozy up right next to ∠AFB. It's like they're angle neighbors, always hanging out together. So, go ahead and mark your answer as B, ∠EFD!

Keep those angle adventures coming!

To determine which angle is adjacent to ∠AFB, we need to understand the concept of adjacent angles.

Adjacent angles are two angles that share a common vertex and a common side. In this case, the common vertex is point F, and the common side is ray FD.

Looking at the given description, we can see that ray FD extends up and to the right, passing through the middle of angle CFE. Since angle CFE shares the common vertex F and the common side FD with ∠AFB, we can conclude that ∠EFD is adjacent to ∠AFB.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. ∠EFD.


Better review what adjacent angles are.