Two whole numbers A and B satisfy the following conditions. Find A and B.

A:B is equivalent to 2:3.

A:B = A:(30-A) = 2:3

3A = 2(30-A)
3A = 60-2A
A = 12
so B = 30-A = 18

check: 12:18 = 2:3 yes

A+B = 30

A = (2/3)B
(2/3)B+B = 30
2B+3B = 90
B = 18.
A+18 = 30
A = 12.

need answer





Two whole numbers A and B satisfy the following conditions. Find A and B.

A:B is equivalent to 13:8.

, B=

A:B = 13:8 can be written as A = 13x and B = 8x for some positive integer x.

Now we know that A - B = 25, so substitute the above expressions in the equation:

13x - 8x = 25

5x = 25

x = 5

So, A = 13x = 13(5) = 65

And B = 8x = 8(5) = 40

Therefore, A = 65 and B = 40.

To find the values of A and B, we can set up a system of equations based on the given conditions.

First, let's assign variables to the unknowns:
Let A be the first number and B be the second number.

We know that the sum of A and B is 30, so the equation is:
A + B = 30 ------(Equation 1)

We are also given that the ratio of A to B is 2:3, which means A is 2 times B. We can express this as:
A = 2B ------(Equation 2)

Now, we can solve these two equations simultaneously to find the values of A and B.

Substituting Equation 2 into Equation 1, we can eliminate A:
2B + B = 30
3B = 30
B = 30/3
B = 10

Now, substitute the value of B into Equation 1 to find A:
A + 10 = 30
A = 30 - 10
A = 20

Therefore, the values of A and B that satisfy the given conditions are A = 20 and B = 10.

Two whole numbers A and B satisfy the following conditions. Find A and B.

A:B is equivalent to 11:5.

i do not know the answer