Variation within Population and Species

Groundhogs have powerful legs and feet with sharp claws that they use for digging burrows. They prefer to live along the edges of forests near open fields where they can find the dandelion greens, clover, and grasses they like to eat. They also grow on trees and roots. The gnawing wears down their teeth, which grow about 15 mm per week. Groundhogs hibernate deep in their burrows from November to February. During February, some groundhogs leave their burrows for short times. However, they return for another sleeping period until early March, when they mate. Use this information to answer the following questions:

Explain variation within a population of groundhogs by comparing the external features of the groundhogs that would enhance their survival.

Explain variation with a population of groundhogs by comparing how parts of their body function to help keep them alive. (Ex: sharper claws, etc)

Explain variation within a population of groundhogs by comparing the behaviors of the groundhogs that would enhance their survival. (behaviors)

North American bison are large grazing animals. They once lived on the prairies but now live mostly in large parks and preserves. Bison have a four-part stomach with single-celled organisms that digest cellulose living in one part. This adaptation allows bison to obtain nutrients from the grasses they eat. Bison move in small bands, which join together to form a large herd for fall and spring migrations. The herds migrate from open grassland to valleys and wooded areas where they can shelter from winter storms. There they use their keen sense of smell to locate grass under the snow. Bison have 2 winter coats. A thick layer of fur traps warm air next to the skin. A thick outer coat sheds water and protects a bison from the wind. Use this information to answer the following questions:

Explain the variation within a population of bison by comparing the external features of the bison that would enhance their survival.

Explain the variation within a population of bison by comparing the behaviors of the bison that would enhance their survival.

Suppose a population of bison migrates to an area where the grasses are high in silicon. Silicon can quickly wear down the teeth of grazing animals and can be difficult to digest. Explain variation within a population of bison by comparing the functioning parts of their body that would enhance their survival.

1. Variation within a population of groundhogs can be seen in their external features that enhance their survival. For example, groundhogs with more powerful legs and feet would be better equipped to dig burrows quickly and efficiently, providing them with shelter and protection from predators. Additionally, groundhogs with sharper claws would have an advantage in digging up dandelion greens, clover, and other plants they prefer to eat.

2. Variation within a population of groundhogs can also be observed in the functioning parts of their body that help keep them alive. For instance, groundhogs with teeth that grow at a faster rate of 15 mm per week would be better able to deal with the constant wear caused by their gnawing habits. This adaptation ensures that their teeth stay functional and allows them to continue feeding on tree bark and roots, which is an important food source for them.

3. Variation within a population of groundhogs can be seen in their behaviors that enhance their survival. Some groundhogs may exhibit more cautious and vigilant behaviors, which would make them more likely to detect predators and escape to their burrows in time. On the other hand, groundhogs that are more inclined to leave their burrows for short times in February can take advantage of early food availability and potentially gain a competitive advantage when it comes to mating in March.

4. Variation within a population of bison can be observed in their external features that enhance their survival. Bison with a thick layer of fur would be better insulated and capable of trapping warm air next to their skin, allowing them to withstand colder temperatures during winter. Additionally, bison with a thick outer coat that sheds water and protects them from the wind would be more resistant to the harsh weather conditions they may encounter during their migrations.

5. Variation within a population of bison can also be seen in their behaviors that enhance their survival. The ability to move in small bands and join together to form a large herd during fall and spring migrations allows bison to benefit from safety in numbers. This behavior helps protect individuals from predators and increases the chances of finding adequate food resources while on the move. Furthermore, the keen sense of smell, which allows them to locate grass under the snow, ensures that they can find nourishment even in challenging conditions.

6. If a population of bison migrates to an area with grasses high in silicon, variation within the population would manifest in the functioning parts of their body that enhance their survival. Some bison may have adapted digestive systems with more efficient mechanisms for breaking down silicon and digesting the grasses. This could involve alterations in the composition of enzymes or microorganisms in their four-part stomachs that aid in the breakdown of cellulose. Bison with more effective digestion of high-silicon grasses would be better equipped to extract nutrients and avoid tooth wear caused by inefficient digestion.

1. Variation within a population of groundhogs can be observed by comparing their external features that enhance their survival. For example, groundhogs with more powerful legs and feet would have an advantage in digging burrows quickly and efficiently. Sharp claws would enable them to effectively dig through soil, providing protection and shelter from predators. Additionally, groundhogs with stronger teeth would be better equipped to gnaw through tough plant materials, ensuring a reliable food source.

2. Variation within a population of groundhogs can also be seen in the functioning parts of their body that help them stay alive. Groundhogs with sharper claws would be more adept at capturing prey or defending themselves against predators. Similarly, groundhogs with more efficient digestive systems that break down plant cellulose would have a better chance of obtaining nutrients from grasses and roots, giving them an advantage in terms of survival.

3. Behavior also plays a role in the variation within a population of groundhogs. Groundhogs that exhibit cautious or vigilant behaviors, such as regularly inspecting their surroundings for potential threats, would have a higher chance of survival. Groundhogs that hibernate deeply and for longer periods during winter months would conserve energy and reduce their risk of exposure to harsh environmental conditions.


1. Variation within a population of bison can be observed by comparing their external features that enhance their survival. For example, bison with a thick layer of fur would be better insulated against cold temperatures, increasing their chances of survival during winter. The outer coat that sheds water and protects from wind would provide additional protection in unfavorable weather conditions.

2. Behavior is another aspect of variation within a population of bison that enhances their survival. Bison that move in small bands and form large herds during migrations benefit from safety in numbers, as they can better defend against predators. Their keen sense of smell allows them to locate grass under the snow during winter, ensuring a food source.

3. In the scenario where bison migrate to an area with grasses high in silicon, variation within the population would be observed in the functioning parts of their body. Bison with more effective teeth for grinding and digesting silicon-rich grasses would be better suited for survival. Those with adaptations like stronger enamel or larger grinding surfaces would have an advantage in obtaining nutrients from the tougher grasses.

To explain the variation within a population of groundhogs by comparing their external features that would enhance their survival, we can look at traits such as their powerful legs, sharp claws, and burrowing abilities. Groundhogs use their strong legs and feet to dig burrows, which serve as protection from predators and provide a safe place to hibernate. The sharp claws enable them to dig efficiently, allowing them to quickly create burrows for shelter. This adaptation helps them escape from predators and provides a secure habitat for raising their young. The ability to dig burrows also helps groundhogs locate food sources such as dandelion greens, clover, and grasses, which are found near open fields. These external features contribute to the groundhogs' survival by enabling their burrowing behavior and facilitating their ability to find food and protect themselves.

To explain the variation within a population of groundhogs by comparing how parts of their body function to help keep them alive, we can focus on traits like their teeth and hibernation behavior. Groundhogs have teeth that grow approximately 15mm per week and are worn down by gnawing. This continuous growth ensures that their teeth are always sharp and effective for cutting through vegetation. The ability to wear down teeth through gnawing allows groundhogs to maintain their dental health, ensuring they can continue to eat their preferred food sources. Additionally, groundhogs exhibit hibernation behavior, where they retreat to their burrows during the winter months. This behavior helps them conserve energy and survive through periods of food scarcity. By reducing their metabolic rate and entering a state of torpor, groundhogs are able to preserve their energy reserves and survive in environments with limited resources.

To explain the variation within a population of groundhogs by comparing their behaviors that would enhance their survival, we can consider their habitat preferences and mating patterns. Groundhogs prefer to live along the edges of forests near open fields. This behavior allows them to access the specific vegetation they prefer to eat, such as dandelion greens, clover, and grasses. By choosing this habitat, groundhogs can increase their chances of finding abundant food sources. Additionally, groundhogs exhibit specific mating behaviors. They hibernate until early March, at which point they emerge from their burrows and engage in mating activities. This behavior ensures that reproduction occurs during periods when environmental conditions are more favorable for the survival of the offspring. By aligning their reproductive behavior with the availability of resources and suitable environmental conditions, groundhogs enhance their chances of successful reproduction and population growth.

Moving on to the variation within a population of bison, we can explain it by comparing their external features that enhance their survival. Bison have adaptations such as a four-part stomach with single-celled organisms that digest cellulose. This adaptation allows bison to obtain nutrients from the grasses they eat, which are difficult to digest for many other animals. By having specialized stomach compartments and the ability to break down cellulose, bison can efficiently extract energy from their primary food source, allowing them to survive and thrive in grassland habitats.

When comparing the behaviors of bison within a population, a key variation that enhances their survival is their migratory behavior. Bison move in small bands that can join together to form larger herds for fall and spring migrations. These migrations allow bison to effectively access different habitats. By moving from open grasslands to valleys and wooded areas, bison can find shelter from winter storms and locate grass under the snow using their keen sense of smell. This behavior allows bison to adapt to changing environmental conditions and ensures their access to food and protection from harsh weather.

In the case of a population of bison migrating to an area with high silicon content in the grasses, the variation within the population can be explained by comparing the functioning parts of their body that would enhance their survival. Silicon can quickly wear down the teeth of grazing animals, making it difficult to digest. However, bison have a unique adaptation to deal with this challenge. Their four-part stomach, specifically the compartment where single-celled organisms digest cellulose, not only helps them extract nutrients from grass but also aids in the breakdown of silicon. This adaptation enables bison to obtain nutrition from high-silicon grasses while minimizing the impact on their teeth and digestive system. By efficiently processing and digesting silicon-rich grasses, bison can survive and thrive in this new environment.