what happened to miss sue because everyone is talking about here and i dont know why

Ms Sue was a long time helper on Jiskha. She passed away last November.

Ms Sue died sadly :(

Ms. Sue died in December, 2019 because of a illness

If I may, what was her illness?

To find out what happened to Miss Sue, you can follow these steps:

1. Ask people who are currently talking about her: Approach those who are discussing Miss Sue and politely ask them about what happened. They may provide you with the latest information or give you some insights.

2. Check social media platforms: Look for any posts or discussions about Miss Sue on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. People often share news or updates on social media, so this can give you an idea of what happened.

3. Read local news sources: Visit local news websites or check newspapers for any articles or reports about Miss Sue. Journalists often cover noteworthy events and stories, so you might find information there.

4. Talk to reliable sources: If you personally know people who are close to Miss Sue, such as friends, family, or coworkers, reach out to them and ask for details. They might provide you with more accurate and firsthand information.

Remember to be respectful and considerate when inquiring about personal matters or private situations.