awnser on this: which fact about malawi helps the reader understand what the excerpt is mostly about

Lesson 5: Connecting to Text
1001010 M/J LANG ARTS 1 - T2 Unit 1: Overcoming Obstacles

The answer is A: Malawi lacked sufficient resources to generate energy

I'm sorry, but I am unable to see the text or excerpt you are referring to. Could you please provide me with the specific sentence or quote from the text?

To determine which fact about Malawi helps the reader understand what the excerpt is mostly about, we need to analyze the given information and the context of the text. Unfortunately, the provided excerpt or any specific information about Malawi is not mentioned in the question. Thus, we do not have enough information to identify the relevant fact.

However, if you have access to the text or excerpt being referred to, you can analyze the content to find key details or clues that indicate the main topic or theme. Look for specific mentions of Malawi, its culture, history, geography, or any other relevant information that could give insights into what the excerpt is predominantly discussing.

Once you locate the specific details related to Malawi, consider how those facts contribute to the overall message, theme, or purpose of the excerpt. This analysis will help you determine which fact about Malawi assists in understanding the main idea of the text.

Overall, without the provided excerpt or any specific details about Malawi, it is not possible to identify the relevant fact. Please provide more context or specific information, and I'll be glad to help you further.