12. read the following description from the red badge of courage. "there loomed the dodging memory of the tattered soldier- he who-gorged by bullets had been desserted in the feild

What is your question?

The given passage is from "The Red Badge of Courage" by Stephen Crane. The sentence refers to the memory of a soldier who was wounded by bullets and left behind in the field. Let's break it down step-by-step:

1. "There loomed the dodging memory" - This indicates that the memory or thought of the soldier is appearing or emerging in the narrator's mind.

2. "of the tattered soldier" - The soldier being referred to is described as tattered, meaning he is wearing torn or ragged clothing. This suggests that he has experienced the hardships of war.

3. "he who gorged by bullets" - The soldier suffered from being wounded or struck by numerous bullets. The term "gorged" here implies being filled or struck repeatedly.

4. "had been deserted in the field" - The phrase signifies that the soldier was abandoned or left behind in the battlefield, likely not receiving adequate assistance or care.

Overall, this passage portrays the lingering image or thought of a wounded and abandoned soldier who faced the horrors of war.

The given description is a quote from the novel "The Red Badge of Courage" by Stephen Crane. It describes the vivid image of a soldier who has been wounded by bullets and left behind on the battlefield.

To fully understand the context and significance of this quote, it is recommended to read the surrounding paragraphs or the entire book. By doing so, you can gain a deeper understanding of the character's experiences, the setting, and the themes explored in the novel.

"The Red Badge of Courage" is a war novel set during the American Civil War, and it delves into the psychological turmoil and internal conflicts experienced by the protagonist, Henry Fleming, as he grapples with fear, courage, and the harsh realities of war.

To read the novel or specific passages, you can access a physical copy from a library or bookstore, or you can find digital versions through e-book platforms or online libraries. Many retailers and websites offer both print and electronic editions, allowing you to enjoy the full narrative and analyze quotes like the one provided.