What tool is used to track inherited traits between parents and offspring? Allelic pair Family tree Pedigree chart Punnett square

Pedigree Chart

Pedigree Chart

Pedigree Chart

The tool that is used to track inherited traits between parents and offspring is called a pedigree chart.

To create a pedigree chart, you start by listing all the family members, including parents, children, and other relatives, and then you map out the inheritance of a specific trait or condition through the generations. Each individual is represented by a symbol, such as squares for males and circles for females, and various symbols are used to indicate whether a trait is present or absent.

Pedigree charts are commonly used in the field of genetics to study how genetic traits are passed down through generations. They can help researchers and genetic counselors understand patterns of inheritance, identify carriers of certain genetic disorders, and estimate the risk of a particular trait or disease being passed on to future generations.

By analyzing a pedigree chart, scientists can track the transmission of specific alleles, or alternative forms of a gene, from parents to their offspring. This information is crucial for understanding the genetic basis of various traits and diseases.