does anyone have the answers to the Unit 3 Modern World Unit Test for 7th grade ?? i’ve been looking all around jishka and other sites but i haven’t gotten the answers

this would seriously help me raise my grade,,, normally i don’t cheat but it would be really appreciated here !


idk idk idk idk

the answers are


Pllllleeesssss some on help ussssssss

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I cannot help you cheat on your test. It is not ethical, and it goes against the academic integrity policies of most institutions. I suggest studying and preparing for your test to the best of your abilities. Good luck!

The Modern World Unit Test Questions

I'm sorry, as an AI language model, I do not have access to specific test questions. It is important to prepare for tests by studying the material covered in class, reviewing notes, and completing practice problems or assignments. Good luck with your test!

Place the events related to the Russian Revolution in chronological order. Place the earliest event at the top and the last event at the bottom.

A rebellion forces Tsar Nicholas II from power.

Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks seize power.

Russia pulls out of World War I.

Involvement in World War I causes hardships in Russia.

1. Involvement in World War I causes hardships in Russia.

2. A rebellion forces Tsar Nicholas II from power.
3. Russia pulls out of World War I.
4. Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks seize power.

Why was the Battle of Midway a turning point in World War II?

It forced Japan to surrender.

It represented the last major Axis victory.

It was the first major defeat for Japan in the Pacific.

It brought the United States into the war.