Which suffix would you add to loathe to make the word meaning “full of hatred?"

A. -able
B. -ance
C. -ible
D. -some


blicka is right

To make the word meaning "full of hatred" by adding a suffix to "loathe," you would add the suffix "-some." Therefore, the correct answer is D. -some.

To determine the correct suffix, you need to understand the meanings of the options and how they are used with words.

- "able" and "ible" are suffixes typically used to create adjectives that describe the ability or possibility of something. For example, "lovable" means capable of being loved, and "perceptible" means capable of being perceived.

- "ance" is a suffix used to form nouns from verbs, indicating an action or process. For example, "relevance" is the noun form of the verb "relevate," indicating the quality of being relevant or pertinent.

- "some" is a suffix used to create adjectives that describe the tendency or quality of something. For example, "handsome" means having a pleasing appearance, and "fearsome" means causing fear or alarm.

Given that the word you are trying to create means "full of hatred," the most appropriate suffix would be "some" (option D). Therefore, to make the word meaning "full of hatred," you would add the suffix "-some" to "loathe," resulting in "loathsome."