Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

Gabriel and ____ are repairing my father's car.
A. he
B. him
C. me
D. us

C. me

Identify the sentence in which the underlined verb does not agree with its subject.

A. Both Sarah and Eleana are playing this Saturday.
B. Either of the girls are a good choice for a leader.
C. Everyone in the room plans to sign up for drama.
D. One of the new computers in our lab has a virus.

B. Either of the girls are a good choice for a leader.

To determine which word best completes the sentence, we need to identify the appropriate pronoun to use with "Gabriel."

In this case, since "Gabriel" is the subject of the sentence, we need to choose a pronoun that is in the objective case. This means we should choose a pronoun that functions as the object of the verb "repairing."

Let's analyze the options:

A. "he" - This pronoun is in the subjective case, so it does not fit the objective case requirement.

B. "him" - This pronoun is in the objective case, making it a suitable choice to complete the sentence. This option correctly reflects that Gabriel is one of the people who is repairing the car.

C. "me" - This pronoun is in the subjective case and would not accurately describe Gabriel's involvement in repairing the car.

D. "us" - This pronoun is in the objective case; however, it refers to a group of people including the speaker. Since the sentence does not mention the speaker or include any other plural subjects, this pronoun is not suitable for completing the sentence.

Therefore, the best choice to complete the sentence is B. "him."

This part of the subject of a sentence, rather than an object, so I think "I" would be best. Typo?