Which accurately describes the actions of Hernán Cortés during the Age of Discovery?

Upon arriving in the Americas, Cortés conquered the Aztec Empire and gained control of Central Mexico

To accurately describe the actions of Hernán Cortés during the Age of Discovery, we need to understand his accomplishments and the historical context.

Hernán Cortés was a Spanish conquistador who embarked on a journey to the New World in the early 16th century. Here's how you can find accurate information about his actions during the Age of Discovery:

1. Start by looking for reputable historical sources such as textbooks, academic journals, or authenticated websites. You can use search engines like Google, but be careful to evaluate the credibility of the sources you find.

2. Make use of well-established historical databases, libraries, or online archives that provide primary sources, such as letters, documents, or narratives from that time period. These primary sources can offer first-hand accounts and insights into Cortés's actions.

3. Read biographies or historical accounts specifically focused on Hernán Cortés. By exploring different perspectives, you can gather a comprehensive understanding of his actions and their historical impact.

Now, let's provide an accurate answer based on the information available:

Hernán Cortés arrived in the Americas in 1519 and led an expedition to conquer the Aztec Empire, which was located in what is now Central Mexico. Cortés, along with his army of Spaniards and indigenous allies, engaged in battles and formed alliances to undermine the Aztec rule. After a series of conflicts, including the famous siege of the capital city, Tenochtitlan, Cortés was able to defeat the Aztecs and gain control over Central Mexico. This conquest was a significant achievement and played a crucial role in establishing Spanish dominance in the region.

Remember, it is essential to consult various reputable sources and critically analyze the information to form a well-rounded understanding of historical events.