If you walk 8/9 mile and then jog 1/7 mile what is the total distance covered how much farther did you walk then jog

here hope this is helpful

If I walked 7/8 mile and then jogged 4/9 mile, What is the total distance covered?
How much farther did I walk vs. jog?

Step 1: Find a Common Denominator : (1/8)(1/9) = 1/72

Step 2: use 72 as common denominator
Total Distance
=(7)(9)/72 + (4)(8)/72
= 63/72 + 32/72
= 0.875 miles +0.444 miles = 1.319

Walked = 63/72 = 0.875 miles
-Jogged = 32/72 = 0.444
0.431 miles : this is how much farther walked than jogged

To find the total distance covered, add the distance walked to the distance jogged:

Distance walked = 8/9 mile
Distance jogged = 1/7 mile

Total distance covered = Distance walked + Distance jogged

Total distance covered = 8/9 mile + 1/7 mile

To add these fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple of 9 and 7 is 63.

Rewriting the fractions with the common denominator:

Total distance covered = (8/9)*(7/7) mile + (1/7)*(9/9) mile

Total distance covered = 56/63 mile + 9/63 mile

Total distance covered = (56 + 9)/63 mile

Total distance covered = 65/63 mile

To find out how much farther you walked than jogged, subtract the distance jogged from the distance walked:

Difference = Distance walked - Distance jogged

Difference = 8/9 mile - 1/7 mile

Difference = (8/9)*(7/7) mile - (1/7)*(9/9) mile

Difference = 56/63 mile - 9/63 mile

Difference = (56 - 9)/63 mile

Difference = 47/63 mile

So, the total distance covered is 65/63 mile and you walked 47/63 mile farther than you jogged.

To find the total distance covered, we need to add the distance walked and the distance jogged.

Distance walked: 8/9 mile
Distance jogged: 1/7 mile

To add these fractions, we need to find a common denominator.

The least common multiple (LCM) of 9 and 7 is 63, so we'll use that as our common denominator.

First, we need to convert both fractions to have the same denominator:

Distance walked: (8/9) x (7/7) = 56/63 mile
Distance jogged: (1/7) x (9/9) = 9/63 mile

Now we can add the fractions:

Total distance covered: (56/63) + (9/63) = 65/63 mile

To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 65 and 63, which is 1.

Total distance covered: 65/63 mile

To find how much farther you walked than jogged, we subtract the distance jogged from the distance walked:

Distance walked - Distance jogged = (56/63) - (9/63) = 47/63 mile

Again, we can simplify this fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their GCD (which is 1 in this case):

Distance walked - Distance jogged: 47/63 mile

Therefore, the total distance covered is 65/63 mile and you walked 47/63 mile farther than you jogged.