The sum of Fred and George’s ages is 73 years. Fred’s age is one more than three times George’s age. How old is each person?

fred is 55 and george is 18

Here is the process:

F = 3G +1

F + G = (3G+1) + G = 73

Solve for G, then F.

To solve this problem, let's create two variables: Fred's age (F) and George's age (G).

According to the problem, the sum of Fred and George's ages is 73 years. We can write this equation as:
F + G = 73

The problem also tells us that Fred's age is one more than three times George's age. We can write this equation as:
F = 3G + 1

Now we have a system of two equations with two variables. We can solve this system using a method called substitution.

Substitute the value of F from the second equation into the first equation:
(3G + 1) + G = 73
4G + 1 = 73
4G = 73 - 1
4G = 72
G = 72 / 4
G = 18

Now substitute the value of G back into the second equation to find F:
F = 3(18) + 1
F = 54 + 1
F = 55

Therefore, Fred is 55 years old and George is 18 years old.