Suzan normally earns $300 a month working part time at an appliance store. She worked 17 hours extra over a holiday weekend, for which she was paid $24.50 per hour. What did she earn in that month?

To find out how much Suzan earned in that month, we need to calculate her regular monthly earnings along with the additional earnings from working extra hours over the holiday weekend.

Step 1: Calculate Suzan's regular monthly earnings
Suzan earns $300 a month working part-time at the appliance store.

Step 2: Calculate Suzan's additional earnings for working extra hours
Suzan worked 17 extra hours over the holiday weekend, and she was paid $24.50 per hour.

Additional earnings = Number of extra hours x Hourly rate
Additional earnings = 17 hours x $24.50/hour
Additional earnings = $416.50

Step 3: Calculate Suzan's total earnings for that month
Total earnings = Regular monthly earnings + Additional earnings
Total earnings = $300 + $416.50
Total earnings = $716.50

Therefore, Suzan earned $716.50 in that month.

To find out how much Suzan earned in that month, we can break down the calculation into two parts: the regular earnings from her part-time work and the additional earnings from working extra hours over the holiday weekend.

First, let's calculate the regular earnings from her part-time work. Suzan normally earns $300 a month working part-time.

Next, let's calculate the additional earnings from working extra hours over the holiday weekend. Suzan worked 17 hours extra, and she was paid $24.50 per hour.

To calculate the additional earnings, we multiply the number of extra hours (17) by the hourly rate ($24.50):

Additional earnings = 17 hours * $24.50/hour

So, Suzan earned an additional $________ (calculate the result of 17 * 24.50)*.

Finally, to find out the total earnings for that month, we add the regular earnings to the additional earnings:

Total earnings = Regular earnings + Additional earnings

Add the results of the regular earnings and additional earnings to find the total amount that Suzan earned in that month.

300 + (17*24.50) = ?