What did the Virginia and New Jersey plans have in common?

I know they both had 3 branches but I forgot the other thing they had in common. Thanks ppl

Both favored three branches of government. Federalists favored the Constitution; Anti-federalists favored stronger state governments.

On the Ka hoot we played today I don't think it said something about Federalist and antifederalist but you aren't wrong!

The Virginia and New Jersey plans were both proposed during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 as alternative plans for the structure and organization of the United States government. While they did have differences, there are a few things that they had in common:

1. Three Branches of Government: Both the Virginia and New Jersey plans advocated for a government with three separate branches - the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. This division of power was seen as crucial in creating a balance and preventing any one branch from becoming too powerful.

2. Representation: Both plans also addressed the issue of representation in the legislative branch. However, they proposed different approaches. The Virginia Plan proposed a bicameral legislature with representation based on population, giving larger states like Virginia more representation. Conversely, the New Jersey Plan called for a unicameral legislature with equal representation for all states, regardless of size.

While these are the main commonalities between the Virginia and New Jersey plans, it's important to note that they also had significant differences in terms of representation, state powers, and overall structure of the government.