Kevin decides to go straight to work after high school instead of going to college. What is the most likely long-term consequence of his decision?

changing jobs often
having lots of debt
making less money
not finding work

My answer: B

To determine the most likely long-term consequence of Kevin's decision to go straight to work after high school, let's analyze each option and see which one correlates the most with the situation.

Option A: Changing jobs often. This consequence can occur regardless of whether someone goes to college or not. It depends on various factors like personal ambition, job opportunities, job satisfaction, and economic conditions. Therefore, it may not be the most likely consequence specifically tied to Kevin's decision of not going to college.

Option B: Having lots of debt. This consequence is not directly related to Kevin's decision of not going to college. Debt is typically associated with pursuing higher education due to student loans. Without college, Kevin is less likely to accumulate such debt in the first place. So, option B doesn't seem to be the most likely consequence.

Option C: Making less money. This consequence is often discussed in relation to the earning potential of individuals with a college degree compared to those without. Studies show that, on average, individuals with a college degree tend to earn more over their lifetime than those without. Therefore, it is reasonable to consider that Kevin's decision of not attending college might result in him making less money compared to his peers who pursued higher education. So, this option could be a likely consequence.

Option D: Not finding work. This consequence seems less probable since Kevin has made the decision to go straight to work after high school. By actively seeking employment, it is unlikely that he would consistently struggle to find work. However, job availability can vary depending on the field he is interested in or the economic conditions of the area. Nevertheless, option D appears to be less likely compared to option C.

Taking all these factors into consideration, the most likely long-term consequence of Kevin's decision is making less money (option C).