What purpose do control rods serve in a nuclear power plant?

to absorb neutrons before the neutrons can initiate more fission reactions
to absorb neutrons before the neutrons can fuse together
to produce neutrons and initiate more fission reactions
to absorb neutrons before the neutrons can initiate more fusion reactions

The purpose of control rods in a nuclear power plant is to absorb neutrons before they can initiate more fission reactions. This is important for maintaining a controlled and safe operation of the reactor.

To understand why control rods serve this purpose, we need to have a basic knowledge of the nuclear fission process. In a nuclear reactor, the fuel, such as uranium-235, undergoes fission, where the nucleus of an atom is split into two smaller nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy in the process. This reaction is sustained by a chain reaction, where the neutrons released during fission can collide with other uranium atoms, causing them to undergo fission as well.

To maintain a controlled reaction, it is important to regulate the number of neutrons available to sustain the chain reaction. This is where control rods come into play. Control rods are composed of materials, such as boron or cadmium, that are highly effective at absorbing neutrons. By inserting the control rods into the reactor core, they can be used to control and adjust the neutron population.

During normal operation, the control rods are partially inserted into the reactor core. This allows some neutrons to continue the chain reaction while others are absorbed by the control rods. By adjusting the position of the control rods, the reactor operators can regulate the rate of the chain reaction and the power output of the reactor.

In the event of an emergency or the need to shut down the reactor, the control rods can be fully inserted into the core. This causes the control rods to absorb a high percentage of neutrons, effectively stopping the chain reaction and shutting down the reactor.

In summary, control rods in a nuclear power plant serve the purpose of absorbing neutrons to control and maintain a safe and controlled chain reaction in the reactor.

Yes, to limit the number of reactions.