Select all equivalent to -81x+27

What are three expressions equivalent to 81x+27.


To find the expressions that are equivalent to -81x + 27, we can simplify the given expression:

Expression: -81x + 27

Step 1: Factor out the greatest common factor (GCF), which is 9:
-81x + 27 = 9(-9x + 3)

Step 2: Simplify further if possible:
-9x + 3

Therefore, the equivalent expressions for -81x + 27 are -9x + 3 and 9(-9x + 3).

To find the equivalent expressions to -81x + 27, we can perform a few mathematical operations, such as simplification, factoring, or rearranging the terms. Here are a few equivalent expressions:

1. -81x + 27 (Given expression)
2. -3(27x - 9) (We can factor out the greatest common factor, which is 3)
3. 27(1 - 3x) (We can rearrange the terms and factor out -27)
4. -9(9x - 3) (We can factor out the greatest common factor, which is 9)
5. 27 - 81x (We can rearrange the terms)

These expressions all represent the same mathematical expression -81x + 27, but they are written differently. Feel free to choose any of these expressions based on your specific needs or context.