Which of the following was a major reason why so many Texans were in favor of annexation?

To find the reason why many Texans were in favor of annexation, you can start by researching the historical context of the time period. In the case of Texas, it is important to understand its status as an independent republic prior to annexation.

1. Research historical context: During the 1830s, the population of Texas grew rapidly due to immigration from the United States. Many settlers were attracted to Texas by promises of cheap land and economic opportunities.

2. Understand the Texas Republic: After winning independence from Mexico in 1836, Texas became a separate republic. However, the new republic faced numerous challenges, such as financial difficulties and border disputes.

3. Consider economic factors: One major reason for Texan support of annexation was economic. Texans believed that joining the United States would boost their economy through increased trade opportunities and access to American markets.

4. Analyze political considerations: Additionally, some Texans saw annexation as a way to strengthen their political power. As a republic, Texas faced diplomatic challenges and lacked the resources to effectively defend its borders. Joining the United States would provide greater security and stability.

5. Examine territorial ambitions: Another factor was the desire for territorial expansion. Many Texans saw annexation as a step towards fulfilling the concept of "Manifest Destiny," the belief that the United States was destined to expand from coast to coast.

By considering these historical factors and researching primary sources from the time period, you will find the major reasons why many Texans were in favor of annexation.