I need help with homework. I will put **** after the answer I think it is.

1. 31 x 20 =?
A. 30
B. 150

2. Abby bought 3 bags of apples there are 12 apples in each bag. If she eats 2 apples out of one bag, how many apples would she have left?
A. 34****
B. 36
C. 12
D. 38

3. Mark walked dogs for money. He charged 2$ an hour for each dog. If he walked 3 dogs for 4 hours, how much money did he make.
A. 12
B. 24****
C. 8
D. 2

4. 5 x 35 = ?
A. 125
B. 35
D. 75

Please check these.

All are correct

Looks like you don't need help, just confidence.

So am I right?

Ok, thank you!

One more thing,

Which is the correct spelling of... ?
A. Imag
B. Image****
C. Imaije
D. Imaej

Neverrmind. My mom said I got that one corect.

To solve these homework problems, let's go through each question one by one and explain how to find the correct answer.

1. 31 x 20 = ?
To solve this multiplication problem, you need to multiply 31 by 20. Simply multiply the digits in the ones place (1 x 0) to get 0, and then multiply the digits in the tens place (3 x 2) to get 6. Finally, combine the two results to get 60. So the correct answer is 60. Therefore, the correct answer is not D.620, it is B.150.

2. Abby bought 3 bags of apples, each containing 12 apples. If she eats 2 apples out of one bag, we need to find out how many apples are left. Multiply the number of bags (3) by the number of apples in each bag (12) to get the total number of apples initially (3 x 12 = 36). Then subtract the number of apples Abby ate (2) to get the number of apples left. So the correct answer is 36 - 2 = 34. Therefore, the correct answer is not A.34, it is B.36.

3. If Mark charged $2 per hour for each dog and walked 3 dogs for 4 hours, we need to find out how much money he made. Multiply the hourly rate ($2) by the number of dogs (3) and the number of hours (4) to calculate the total amount earned. So the correct answer is 2 x 3 x 4 = 24. Therefore, the correct answer is not B.24, it is A.12.

4. To find the product of 5 and 35, multiply the digits in the ones place (5 x 5) to get 25. Write down the 5 and carry over the 2 to the tens place. Multiply 5 by 3, then add the carried-over 2 to get 17. So the correct answer is 175. Therefore, the correct answer is not C.175, it is A.125.

So, the correct answers are:
1. B.150
2. A.34
3. A.12
4. A.125