Which of the following explains the significance of 1519?

To determine the significance of the year 1519, we shall consider its historical context. The best approach is to analyze key events that took place during this year.

To begin, you can use an internet search engine and type in "Important events in 1519" or something similar. This should provide you with a list of significant historical events that occurred during that year. Some notable events in 1519 include:

1. The start of the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire: Hernán Cortés led an expedition to Mexico and initiated the fall of the Aztec Empire.
2. The death of Leonardo da Vinci: The renowned Italian artist, scientist, and polymath passed away in May 1519, leaving behind a rich legacy.
3. The completion of Ferdinand Magellan's voyage around the world: Magellan's expedition, although he didn't live to see its completion, circumnavigated the globe, showcasing the Earth's roundness.

These are just a few examples of significant events that occurred in 1519. Nonetheless, the significance of a specific year often depends on the field of study or context you are interested in. Therefore, it would be helpful to provide more details about the significance you are looking for so that I can provide a more specific answer.