Choose the term that describes the underlined part of the sentence.

_Although it was raining fairly hard,_ the team played its best game ever.

Noun clause
Adjective clause
Adverb clause***
Independent clause

Help please


Of course I'll help! And what a delightful sentence you've chosen. The underlined part "Although it was raining fairly hard" is actually an adverb clause. It provides information about the conditions under which the team played their best game ever. Rain or shine, those players gave it their all!

The term that describes the underlined part of the sentence is an adverb clause.

To determine the term that describes the underlined part of the sentence, we need to identify the type of clause it is. Let's break down the sentence:

"Although it was raining fairly hard, the team played its best game ever."

The underlined part, "Although it was raining fairly hard," modifies the main clause and provides additional information. It introduces a contrast or condition related to the main clause. In this case, it expresses the condition of the rain and its impact on the team's performance.

Based on its function, the underlined part is an adverbial clause. Adverb clauses modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs by providing information about time, place, reason, condition, or manner.

Therefore, the correct term that describes the underlined part of the sentence is an "adverb clause."