On a map, the distance from Falls City, Texas, to Pleasanton, Texas, measures 2 centimeters. The scale of the map shows that 1 centimeter is equal to 30 kilometers. How far would you have to travel if you drove from Falls City to Pleasanton and then back in the same day?

x/2 = 2*30/1

To calculate the distance you would have to travel if you drove from Falls City to Pleasanton and then back, we need to convert the distance on the map to real-world distance using the given scale.

First, we know that on the map, the distance between Falls City and Pleasanton is 2 centimeters. According to the scale, 1 centimeter on the map represents 30 kilometers in real life.

So, to convert the 2 centimeters on the map to real distance, we can multiply it by the scale factor:

2 centimeters * 30 kilometers/centimeter = 60 kilometers

Therefore, the distance between Falls City and Pleasanton in real life is 60 kilometers.

Since you are driving from Falls City to Pleasanton and then back, you would cover a total distance of 60 kilometers each way, resulting in a round trip distance of:

60 kilometers (Falls City to Pleasanton) + 60 kilometers (Pleasanton to Falls City) = 120 kilometers

Therefore, you would have to travel a total of 120 kilometers if you drove from Falls City to Pleasanton and then back in the same day.