Determine the coordinates of the image of the point (-2,2) under T -2,6.

(-2-2 , 2+6) = (?,?)

To determine the coordinates of the image of the point (-2,2) under the transformation T -2,6, we need to apply the transformation to the given point.

The transformation T -2,6 can be represented as:

T(x, y) = (x - 2, 6y)

Applying the transformation to the point (-2,2), we have:

T(-2,2) = (-2 - 2, 6 * 2)
= (-4, 12)

Therefore, the coordinates of the image of the point (-2,2) under the transformation T -2,6 are (-4, 12).

To determine the coordinates of the image of a point under a transformation, you need to apply the transformation to the coordinates of the point. In this case, the given transformation is T -2,6, which means we need to subtract 2 from the x-coordinate and add 6 to the y-coordinate.

Starting with the point (-2, 2), we apply the transformation T -2,6 as follows:

x-coordinate of the image = x-coordinate of the point - 2 = -2 - 2 = -4
y-coordinate of the image = y-coordinate of the point + 6 = 2 + 6 = 8

Therefore, the coordinates of the image of the point (-2, 2) under the transformation T -2,6 are (-4, 8).
