Lesson 4: Multiplication of Fractions Review unit 7 please help me i need to get a 100% or else my dad will be mad. HELP!!!!!

it is


no those are the correct answers jorgy

thank you boop nova

ok so ima take the quiz and ill tell you the aanswers

those are correct boop nova I got 100%

thats random

but number 2 is an answer question? or are these not the answers to connexus?

Of course, I'm here to help! Unit 7 focuses on the multiplication of fractions. To review this unit and maximize your understanding, here are a few steps you can follow:

Step 1: Review Basic Operations with Fractions
Make sure you are comfortable with adding, subtracting, and simplifying fractions before diving into multiplication. If necessary, review the concepts and practice some problems.

Step 2: Understand Fraction Multiplication
Refresh your understanding of how fractions are multiplied. Multiply the numerators together to get the new numerator and multiply the denominators together to get the new denominator. If needed, review examples and work through practice problems to reinforce the concept.

Step 3: Multiply Fractions
Practice multiplying fractions using various examples. Include both proper and improper fractions. Pay attention to any simplification or reducing that can be done after the multiplication.

Step 4: Multiply Mixed Numbers
Review how to multiply mixed numbers. Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions, follow the same multiplication process as before, and then simplify the result.

Step 5: Solve Word Problems
Work through word problems that involve fraction multiplication. Pay attention to the questions' requirements and represent the problem using the appropriate multiplication of fractions.

Step 6: Practice with Online Resources
Utilize online resources such as educational websites, math practice apps, or interactive tutorials to further enhance your understanding of fraction multiplication. These resources provide additional practice problems and explanations to reinforce concepts.

Remember, to excel in any math topic, consistent practice and understanding are key. Don't be afraid to ask your teacher or classmates for help if you encounter difficulties, and make use of resources like textbooks and online tutorials. Good luck, and I'm confident you'll achieve that 100%!

those aren't the correct answers boop nova