Multiple Choice:

1. Auntie Sonya wore a _______ expression. (1 point)
A. Hungry.
B. Friendly. ****
C. Quarrelsome.
D. Sorrowing.

2. Uncle Shura calls the narrator a _________. (1 point)
A. Monk.
B. Devil.
C. Hero.
D. Friend. ****

My book isn't working so I trying to remember what the story said. My Answer are the one with stars.

Here are the answers:

1. D - Sorrowing
2. A - Monk
3. C - Brother
4. D - Notebook
5. C - Caterpillar
6. A - Clause Fragment
7. B - Sentence


You know since no one helped me I had to help somebody else out who is taking this assessment.

can confirm that the one above me is correct for lesson8 unit5 Forbidden fruit



To answer the multiple-choice questions you provided, you can use the process of elimination or try to recall information from the story.

For question 1, it seems that the correct answer is either B. Friendly or D. Sorrowing. To choose between these two options, you need to recall the description of Auntie Sonya's expression from the story. If the story mentioned that Auntie Sonya was in a good mood or showed kindness, then the correct answer would be B. Friendly. On the other hand, if the story described Auntie Sonya as sad or grieving, then the correct answer would be D. Sorrowing.

For question 2, you mentioned that your answer is D. Friend. Again, to confirm if this is correct, you need to remember how Uncle Shura referred to the narrator in the story. If the story depicted Uncle Shura as calling the narrator a friend, then your answer is correct.

It is important to note that without having access to the actual story, it may be challenging to provide definitive answers.