how does the other best support his claim that Thomas Young was someone who helped lay a solid groundwork for others in the riddle of the Rosetta Stone clues to the puzzle

To determine how the author supports his claim about Thomas Young's role in the riddle of the Rosetta Stone clues, we need to examine the supporting evidence in the text. Here's how you can find it:

1. Read the entire passage: Start by carefully reading the entire article or text where the claim is made. Pay attention to the specific statements that discuss Thomas Young's contributions and his involvement in deciphering the Rosetta Stone.

2. Identify direct statements: Look for direct statements or quotes that directly support the claim. These might include statements about Young's expertise, his approach, or specific contributions to deciphering the Rosetta Stone.

3. Look for indirect evidence: In addition to direct statements, the author may provide indirect evidence that indirectly supports the claim about Thomas Young. This can include references to his previous discoveries, his expertise in related fields, or how his work influenced subsequent researchers.

4. Analyze the context: Consider the overall context of the passage. Look for any suggestions or implications that reinforce the claim about Young's role. This can include mentions of his unique insights, significant breakthroughs, or recognition by other researchers.

5. Cross-reference with external sources: If possible, cross-reference the information provided in the text with external sources. This can help validate the author's claims and provide additional supporting evidence if available.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the supporting evidence that the author presents to back up the claim about Thomas Young's contributions to deciphering the Rosetta Stone.