Eli has a number cube. Each side has a different number: 1,2,3,4,5 or 6. Eli will roll the number cube once.

What is the probability ha will roll a 4?

1 chance in 6 sides

Since the side of the cubes is 6 and Eli is only rolling the cube once, the odds will be 1/6. The number he rolls does not matter, the odds of him landing any specific number will be 1/6.

If the question asked for the probability of rolling a 4 or a 6, the answer would be 2/6, or 1/3.

If the question asked "What is the probability of Eli rolling a 4 twice in a row?", then you would take the odds of rolling a 4 the first time (1/6) and multiply it by the odds of rolling a 4 the second time (1/6 again) which would leave you with a probability of 1/36.

Hopefully the extra examples helps you understand

The probability of rolling a 4 on a number cube is 1/6.

To find the probability of rolling a 4, we need to figure out the number of favorable outcomes (rolling a 4) divided by the total number of possible outcomes.

In this case, the number cube has 6 sides, each with a different number. Since we are only interested in rolling a 4, there is only 1 favorable outcome (rolling a 4) out of the 6 possible outcomes (rolling any number from 1 to 6).

So the probability of rolling a 4 is 1 out of 6, which can be written as 1/6. Therefore, the correct answer is 1/6.