Hello! Struggled with a question and I want to make sure I get it right.

Read the following sentence from "The Balek Scales": "My grandfather was the first person bold enough to test the justice of the Baleks, the family who lived in the chateau and drove two carriages, who always maintained one boy from the village while he studied theology at the seminary in Prague, the family with whom the priest played taroc every Wednesday, on whom the local reeve in his carriage emblzoned with the Imperial coat of arms, made an annual New Year's Day call and on whom the Emperor conferred a title on the first day of the year in 1900." The speaker uses the ideas in this sentence to most likely imply that the Baleks *

A. Are generous to the people who lived in the village.
B. Worked hard to earn their new title from the emperor.
C. Mindlessly fulfill the duties required of their social status.****
D. Did not trust the narrator's grandfather and were suspicious of him.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!



Based on the sentence from "The Balek Scales," the speaker most likely implies that the Baleks mindlessly fulfill the duties required of their social status. The sentence describes the various interactions the Baleks have with different members of society, such as providing for a boy from the village, playing taroc with the priest, and receiving visits from the local reeve and the Emperor. This suggests that the Baleks are dutifully carrying out their obligations as high-status individuals without questioning or challenging them. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Mindlessly fulfill the duties required of their social status.

To determine the implied meaning behind the sentence from "The Balek Scales," we need to analyze the information provided and its context. The sentence mentions several aspects of the Balek family's interactions with the village and their social status.

The text states that the Baleks provided financial support to one village boy while he studied at a seminary in Prague, and they played taroc with the priest every Wednesday. Additionally, the local reeve, a high-ranking official, made an annual New Year's Day call to the Baleks, and the Emperor conferred a title on them in 1900.

Considering these details, we can draw a conclusion about the implied meaning:

Option A: Are generous to the people who lived in the village - This option is not supported because while the Baleks do support one boy from the village, it does not necessarily imply that they are generally generous to the people in the village.

Option B: Worked hard to earn their new title from the Emperor - This option is not supported by the information given because the text does not mention anything about the Baleks' efforts to earn their title.

Option C: Mindlessly fulfill the duties required of their social status - This option is the most likely implication based on the information provided. The sentence describes various social interactions and responsibilities that the Baleks engage in, suggesting that they fulfill their duties without much thought or resistance.

Option D: Did not trust the narrator's grandfather and were suspicious of him - This option is not supported by the text since there is no mention of mistrust or suspicion regarding the narrator's grandfather.

Therefore, the most likely answer is C. Mindlessly fulfill the duties required of their social status.