
must start with scr,spr,str,thr

What do we call a small river -- that begins with scr -- ?


Right. Sorry I steered you wrong. It is stream.

Its stream


To find the word that is analogous to "ocean:sea" and follows the pattern of starting with "scr," "spr," "str," or "thr," we can first examine the relationship between the terms "ocean" and "sea." An ocean is a vast body of saltwater that covers a large portion of the Earth's surface. Similarly, a sea is a smaller saltwater body of water partially enclosed by land.

Applying this understanding, we need to identify a word starting with "scr," "spr," "str," or "thr" that shares a similar relationship.

Considering the given criteria, the word that matches these conditions is "stream." A stream is a small, narrow freshwater body of flowing water that is typically smaller than a river. Like a sea is to an ocean, a stream can be seen as a smaller version or a tributary that flows into a river.

So, the answer is:
