5. Why is it important for an author to include an opposing claim?

a. to convince the reader to agree with the other side
b. to introduce the other side, then disprove it
c. to prove they're always right
d. to interest the reader

6. Which would be a sound reason to support the addition of a salad bar option to the middle school cafeteria?
a. I don't like any of the current lunch options, and I like salad.
b. The school one town over has a salad bar, and we need to keep up with them.
c. The cafeteria is dull, and the colors from the salad bar would make it prettier.
d. A salad bar would provide a healthy option for vegetarian students.

7. Which piece of evidence about a Mediterranean diet is both relevant and sufficient to support the claim that it is a healthy diet?
a. Residents of countries like Italy, Spain, and Greece follow a similar diet.
b. Many people think that the Mediterranean diet is delicious.
c. Scientists have found that the diet reduces the risk of heart disease.
d. It ranked first in US News and World Report's best diet issue

8. Two sources disagree on the effect video games have on teenagers. Which set of key words might result in more specific information on this point of disagreement?
a. video games vs. television
b. video games vs. books
c. video games and jobs
d. video games and behavior

9. Heather is writing an essay for her history class about the founding of her city. She has found conflicting information in her sources. Which of the sources she used is the least likely to be reliable?
a. A chapter in a history book about why people first settled in her city
b. A newspaper article published in the state capital the year her city was founded
c. A journal entry written by someone at the time of the founding who wanted to be annexed into a different city
instead of creating a new one
d. A book containing the minutes of a meeting held to discuss whether a new city should be formed or the area
should be annexed into an existing city

The answers are:

1: They give evidence to support the claim that access to clean water is a global health crisis.

2: An adaptive sports program would be a great addition to the town parks and recreation department.

3: providing statistics that contradict the opposing viewpoint

4: a video

5: to introduce the other side, then disprove it

6: A salad bar would provide a healthy option for vegetarian students

7: Scientists have found that the diet reduces the risk of heart disease

8: whether or not video games make teenagers more passive

9: a journal entry written by someone at the time of the founding. who wanted to be annexed into a different city instead of creating a new
I did the test and these were the answers. Hope it helps :)

U made me fail

ty sm barcode they’re all right!!!

We do not do your homework for you. Although it might take more effort to do the work on your own, you will profit more from your effort. We will be happy to evaluate your work though.

What are your choices?

5. The correct answer is b. to introduce the other side, then disprove it.

To understand why it is important for an author to include an opposing claim, we need to consider the purpose of persuasive writing. Persuasive writing aims to convince the reader to adopt a particular point of view or take a specific action. In order to effectively persuade the reader, the author must address and counter opposing viewpoints.

By including an opposing claim, the author acknowledges that there are alternative perspectives or arguments related to the issue at hand. This demonstrates that the author is open-minded and has considered multiple perspectives. It also shows respect for the reader's intelligence and allows them to make an informed decision.

After introducing the opposing claim, the author can then proceed to refute or disprove it. This allows the author to strengthen their own argument by presenting evidence, logical reasoning, or counterarguments that undermine the opposing claim. By systematically disproving the opposing claim, the author can build a stronger case for their own position and convince the reader to agree with them.

6. The correct answer is d. A salad bar would provide a healthy option for vegetarian students.

When evaluating whether to support the addition of a salad bar to the middle school cafeteria, it is important to consider the potential benefits and relevance to the student population. While personal preferences or aesthetic considerations (options a, b, and c) may have some relevance, the most compelling reason to support the addition of a salad bar is its ability to provide a healthy option for vegetarian students.

Considering that the question specifically mentions a salad bar option, it implies that the current lunch options may not adequately cater to the dietary needs or preferences of vegetarian students. By providing a salad bar, the school cafeteria can offer a range of fresh vegetables, fruits, and other nutritious ingredients that can fulfill the dietary requirements of vegetarian students.

7. The correct answer is c. Scientists have found that the diet reduces the risk of heart disease.

When evaluating evidence about a Mediterranean diet and its health benefits, it is important to consider both relevance and sufficiency. The evidence should directly support the claim and provide substantial support without the need for additional evidence or information.

Option c is the most relevant and sufficient evidence to support the claim that a Mediterranean diet is healthy. It is relevant because it provides a specific health benefit associated with the diet, namely the reduction in the risk of heart disease. This directly connects the diet to a positive health outcome.

Furthermore, the evidence is sufficient because it suggests a scientific basis for the claim by stating that scientists have found the diet to have this particular benefit. This suggests that there is a body of research supporting the claim.

In contrast, options a, b, and d provide less relevant or insufficient evidence. Option a is relevant but lacks specificity and does not establish a cause-effect relationship between the diet and the health benefit. Option b talks about subjective opinions rather than scientific evidence. Option d mentions a ranking in a magazine, which is not specific to health benefits or supported by scientific research.

8. The correct answer is d. video games and behavior.

To get more specific information about the disagreement on the effect video games have on teenagers, it is important to choose keywords that are directly related to the point of disagreement. In this case, the key words "video games and behavior" would be most likely to result in more specific information.

By using these keywords, one can find sources that discuss the impact of video games specifically on behavior. This would narrow down the search and provide information that is more relevant to the specific point of disagreement.

Options a, b, and c involve keywords that are not directly related to the topic of disagreement and are less likely to provide specific information on the point of contention.

9. The correct answer is c. A journal entry written by someone at the time of the founding who wanted to be annexed into a different city instead of creating a new one.

When evaluating the reliability of sources in historical research, it is important to consider their credibility and potential bias. In this case, the least likely source to be reliable is option c, a journal entry written by someone at the time of the founding who wanted to be annexed into a different city instead of creating a new one.

This source is likely to be biased because the author has a clear preference for the annexation option rather than the creation of a new city. This bias could influence the author's interpretation of events and present a skewed or one-sided perspective.

In contrast, options a, b, and d provide sources that are less likely to be biased. A chapter in a history book and a newspaper article are generally produced by professional historians or journalists who strive for accuracy and balance. A book containing meeting minutes also provides a more objective record of the discussions and decisions made at the time.

It’s a practice how tf did you fail

for 5 i think it is d . for 6 i think it’s c , for 7 um idk , 8 is d i think & 9 idk