Which accurately describes discoveries of Galileo Galilei?

Galileo used a telescope to discover moons orbiting Jupiter and craters on the moon

Thanks bro. Appreciate it:)

To discover the moons orbiting Jupiter and craters on the moon, Galileo Galilei made several important observations using a telescope. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how he made these discoveries:

1. Telescope: Galileo Galilei played a crucial role in the development of the telescope. He built his own telescopes, which were significantly more advanced than the ones available at the time. These telescopes allowed him to observe celestial objects in detail.

2. Observing Jupiter's Moons: One of Galileo's significant discoveries was the existence of four moons orbiting Jupiter. To observe Jupiter and its moons, Galileo pointed his telescope towards the night sky and carefully observed Jupiter over several nights. By tracking the positions of these tiny points of light around Jupiter, Galileo realized that they were actually moons orbiting the planet.

3. Moon's Craters: Another important discovery made by Galileo was the presence of craters on the moon's surface. By carefully observing the moon through his telescope, Galileo noticed irregularities on the moon's surface, specifically circular formations. He concluded that these formations were craters caused by impacts from celestial bodies.

Summing it up, Galileo Galilei used his homemade telescope for observations and made two significant discoveries: the existence of four moons orbiting Jupiter and the presence of craters on the moon's surface.