how do you write a program that will ask the user to enter their initials (first & last name) and then output a greeting that says "Hello" followed by the user's initial name?

To write a program that asks the user to enter their initials and then outputs a greeting, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by defining a variable to store the user's input for their first name initials.
2. Ask the user to enter their first name initials using the `input()` function. Store the input in the variable defined earlier.
3. Repeat the previous two steps to get the user's last name initials, storing them in a separate variable.
4. Combine the first and last name initials, adding a space between them.
5. Create a string that displays the greeting message followed by the user's initials, using string concatenation or f-strings.
6. Output the greeting by displaying the string to the user.

Here's an example Python code that implements this program:

# Step 1
first_name_initials = ""

# Step 2
first_name_initials = input("Enter your first name initials: ")

# Step 3
last_name_initials = input("Enter your last name initials: ")

# Step 4
full_name_initials = first_name_initials + " " + last_name_initials

# Step 5
greeting = "Hello " + full_name_initials

# Step 6

When you run this program, it will prompt the user to enter their first and last name initials. After the user enters their initials, the program will display a greeting message that says "Hello" followed by the user's initials.

Note: This example assumes that each user enters their initials as separate input, without spaces or any other characters. If you need to handle more complex input, such as validating or formatting the initials, you can extend the code accordingly.