How would you categorize the obligations and services of state and local governments as compared to those of the federal government?

yikes, where to start?

national guard
parks except national parks
roads except interstates
...... on and on

so cities and states concentrate on local issues while the Feds do wars and currencies and diplomacy with other nations. The feds of course may fund state or city efforts in local issues such as road or building or park construction but in theory the local people are in charge.

There is of course much overlap, such as city jail, county court and jail, state prison and court and Federal prison and court.

To categorize the obligations and services of state and local governments in comparison to the federal government, you would need to consider the division of powers outlined in the United States Constitution. The Constitution grants certain powers exclusively to the federal government, while others are reserved for the states.

1. Federal Government:
- National Defense: The federal government is responsible for maintaining a strong military to protect the country.
- Foreign Policy: The federal government deals with international relations, including diplomacy and trade agreements.
- Currency: The federal government controls the currency and monetary policy of the country.
- Interstate Commerce: Regulation and oversight of commerce that crosses state lines fall under federal jurisdiction.
- Medicare and Social Security: These national social programs are administered by the federal government.

2. State Governments:
- Education: State governments oversee and fund public schools and universities.
- Public Safety: State governments manage law enforcement, fire departments, and emergency services within their boundaries.
- Transportation: State governments maintain and regulate state highways, bridges, and public transportation.
- Criminal Justice: State governments are responsible for operating courts, prisons, and probation systems.
- Medicaid: Each state administers their own Medicaid program, although it receives some federal funding.

3. Local Governments (Counties, Cities, Towns):
- Public Works: Local governments handle utilities, roads, parks, and other infrastructure within their jurisdictions.
- Land Use and Zoning: Local governments regulate land use and zoning laws, including planning and building permits.
- Police and Fire Services: Local governments provide law enforcement and fire protection services to their communities.
- Education: Local governments oversee local school systems and may have control over school funding and policies.
- Local Taxes and Municipal Services: Local governments collect and manage property taxes and offer various services like garbage collection and libraries.

It's important to note that these categorizations can vary to some extent, as the specific responsibilities of each government level can differ based on state laws and structures. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the obligations and services of state, local, and federal governments, you should consult relevant federal and state legislation, as well as local government charters and ordinances.