What is Var(T)?

Var(T) represents the variance of a random variable T. The variance measures how much the values of T vary around its expected value. It is a measure of the spread or dispersion of the distribution of T. To calculate the variance, you need to follow these steps:

1. Compute the expected value (mean) of T. This can be denoted as E(T).

2. For each value of T, subtract the expected value E(T) and square the difference. Repeat this for all values of T.

3. Calculate the average of all the squared differences obtained in step 2. This will give you the variance of T.

The formula for variance can be given as:

Var(T) = E((T - E(T))^2)

Alternatively, if you have a dataset of values for T, you can use the following formula to calculate the sample variance:

Var(T) = (1/(n-1)) Σ (T_i - T_mean)^2

Where n is the number of observations, T_i represents each individual observation, and T_mean represents the sample mean.

The expression "Var(T)" typically refers to the variance of a random variable T. The variance measures how much the values of a random variable T vary around its mean. Mathematically, the variance of T is calculated as the average of the squared differences between each value of T and its mean, weighted by their probabilities.

To compute the variance of T, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the mean (μ) of the random variable T.
Step 2: Subtract the mean from each value of T to get the differences.
Step 3: Square each difference obtained in Step 2.
Step 4: Multiply each squared difference by its corresponding probability (or frequency) of occurrence.
Step 5: Sum up all the products from Step 4 to get the weighted sum of the squared differences.
Step 6: The final result is the variance of T.

If you have specific values or a specific probability distribution for T, please provide them, and I can guide you through the steps with an example.