Recipe A calls for 2 cups of sugar and makes 48 cookies. Recipe B calls for 3 cups of sugar and makes 54 of the same-sized cookies. Determine which recipe contains more sugar in each cookie. Use complete sentences to explain your reasoning.

To determine which recipe contains more sugar in each cookie, we need to find the amount of sugar per cookie for each recipe.

For Recipe A:
- The recipe calls for 2 cups of sugar.
- It makes 48 cookies.
- To find the amount of sugar per cookie, we divide the total sugar by the number of cookies: 2 cups / 48 cookies = 0.042 cups of sugar per cookie.

For Recipe B:
- The recipe calls for 3 cups of sugar.
- It makes 54 cookies.
- To find the amount of sugar per cookie, we divide the total sugar by the number of cookies: 3 cups / 54 cookies = 0.056 cups of sugar per cookie.

Comparing the amounts, we see that Recipe B contains more sugar in each cookie than Recipe A. Recipe B has 0.056 cups of sugar per cookie, while Recipe A has 0.042 cups of sugar per cookie.

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thank you this help me alot.

a. 2cups/48cookies = 1/24 cup/cookie.

b. 3cups/54cookies = 1/18 cups/cookie.

1/18 is larger than 1/24, because when two fractions have the same numerator,
the fraction with the smaller numerator is larger.