Hey guys, so I have this science assignment due today and I was wondering if someone could help me out. I'm not the greatest at science. Ty!

*** - Represents My Answer
XXX - Represents Questions I'm Not Sure About and Need Help

1. As people pump water out of the ground, the water table can lower. Which of the following are possible consequences of a lower water table? Select the two correct answers. - XXX; I need help finding the answers to this one. Thx!

A.) rising sea levels

B.) land subsidence

C.) saltwater intrusion

D.) larger aquifers

E.)cleaner water

2. Which of the following activities contain hidden water usage? Select the three correct answers.

A.) growing cotton to make fabric - ***

B.) processing and dying fabric - ***

C.) growing cattle feed - ***

D.) washing dishes

E.) drinking

3. What did people rely on rivers for during the eighteenth century? Select the three correct answers. -XXX; I need help finding one more. Also please see if the two I choose are correct.

A.) transporting people and goods -***

B.) collecting drinking water

C.) sending telegrams

D.) producing electricity

E.) powering mills -***

4. Why did George Washington support the construction of canals on he James River near Richmond? -XXX; A?

A.) He wanted to be able to ship goods to and from west of the Appalachian Mountains.

B.) The canals would supply water for drinking and irrigation to the surrounding region.

C.) The canals could be used to generate electricity to power Richmond.

D.) He owned the and would make money from the construction.

5.Which of the following is a result of increased evaporation? Select the three correct answers.

A.) increased rainfall -***

B.) increased sea level -***

C.) increased agricultural irrigation -***

D.) increased drought

6. Drag and drop the words into the correct locations.

|Water scarcity is the ______ of _______ resources to meet the _______.|

|abundance| |supply| |saltwater| |lack| |freshwater| |demand|
Blank 1 - |lack|
Blank 2 - |freshwater|
Blank 3 - |demand|

7. Use the topographical map to answer the question.

A map of an unidentified piece of land is shown with rivers running across it. Four points on the map are labeled A, B, C, and D. The land is color coded tan, green, and dark green, with the tan furthest from the rivers and the dark green closest to the rivers. Point A is in a large expanse of green. Point B is in a patch of dark green near a body of water. Point C is in a large expanse of tan. Point D is in a small expanse of tan.

Which location was best for early settlers to establish a settlement and meet needs such as farming and fishing?

(1 point)


A -***



|I need help with this asap, my hours are on the final countdown for the due date. Please help as soon as you can. Thx for your guy's time!

- Lupa

Human Activity and Water Quiz

Valid as of 11/30/20

|This are for all states except California I believe|

1. As people pump water out of the ground, the water table can lower. Which of the following are possible consequences of a lower water table? Select the two correct answers.

Correct - land subsidence
Correct - saltwater intrusion

2. Which of the following activities contain hidden water usage? Select the three correct answers.

Correct - growing cotton to make fabric
Correct - processing and dying fabric
Correct - growing cattle feed

3. What did people rely on rivers for during the eighteenth century? Select the three correct answers.

Correct - transporting people and goods
Correct - collecting drinking water
Correct - powering mills

4. Why did George Washington support the construction of canals on the James River near Richmond?

Correct - He wanted to be able to ship goods to and from west of the Appalachian Mountains.

5. Which of the following is a result of increased evaporation? Select the three correct answers.

Correct - increased rainfall
Correct - increased agricultural irrigation
Correct - increased drought

6. Drag and drop the words into the correct locations.
Water scarcity is the |lack| of |freshwater| resources to meet the |demand|.

7. Use the topographical map to answer the question.

Which location was best for early settlers to establish a settlement and meet needs such as farming and fishing?

Correct - B

I finished this assignment a week ago and I got a 100% on this assignment. I hope this helps out some of you :) Happy holidays!

- Seeker

Seeker, 100% as of April 20, 2021

seeker 100% april 2022

Seeker is 100% correct as of February 2022, for anyone who still needs help. Thank you very much, Seeker! :)

Actually, I just got 100% even though I'm in California. Thank you Seeker!

Thanks Seeker! 100% it works in California too <33

1.) what percentage of earth's water is fresh water?

2.5% *******

2.) How does saltwater intrusion impact the water supply?select the two correct answers.

it improves the water in aquifers near the coast
it recharges aquifers
it causes saltwater to mix with freshwater*****
it decreases the amount of usable drinking water **
it causes over- pumping of water

3.) which of the following happens to water resources as the population grows?

The level of the water table rises
The size of aquifers increases
The water supply increases
The aquifers are not recharged as quickly*****

4.) Which is a cause of drought?

high water demand
low precipitation levels****
low water demand
high precipitation levels

i got a 4/4(100%) so good luck!!!!
i don't know if the answers will change (2023)
hope this helped

seeker is 100% correct as of May 20, 2022 for connexus Unit 7 Lesson 4 Human Activity and Water

Seeker is still 100% right December 8, 2022

> |This are for all states except California I believe|

Darn, I am California. Thanks for the help though, I appreciate it