3. A lawn care company charges a $10 trip fee plus $0.15 per square foot of x square feet of lawn for fertilization. Which equation represents the relationship?

2.y=0.15x+10**My answer

I finished the quick check

I got them all right XD

The correct equation that represents the relationship is:

2. y = 0.15x + 10

This equation represents the relationship between the total cost of fertilization (y) and the square footage of the lawn (x). The $10 trip fee is represented by the constant term (10), and the $0.15 per square foot charge is represented by the coefficient of x (0.15).

To determine the correct equation that represents the relationship between the cost and the square footage of the lawn, we can break down the information provided.

The lawn care company charges a $10 trip fee, which means that regardless of the square footage of the lawn (x), a fixed amount of $10 (trip fee) will always be charged.

In addition to the trip fee, there is an additional cost of $0.15 per square foot (x) of the lawn. This means that for each square foot, the customer has to pay $0.15.

Combining the trip fee and the cost per square foot, we can express the relationship between the cost (y) and the square footage of the lawn (x) as follows:

y = 0.15x + 10

Therefore, the correct equation that represents the relationship is 2. y = 0.15x + 10.