What is the local time of place on a longitude 64 degree East when the GMT is 10:00


Well 24 hours is 360 degrees

so 15 degrees per hour
so the sun came up 64/15 hours earlier there and it is 4.26666666666 hours later there
so it is 14.26666....
14 is another way of saying 2 pm
.266666 hours * 60 min/hr = 16 minutes
so 14:16 or 2:16 pm
and how did you happen to stumble on a navigator? :)

To determine the local time of a place on a specific longitude when the GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) is given, we need to calculate the time difference based on the longitude.

For every 15 degrees of longitude, there is a time zone difference of 1 hour.

In this case, the given longitude is 64 degrees East.

To calculate the time difference:
1. Divide the longitude by 15: 64 / 15 = 4.27 (approx.)

Since the longitude is east, we add the calculated time difference to the GMT time.

2. Add the time difference to the given GMT time:
10:00 + 4 hours and 17 minutes (approximately) = 14:17 (or 2:17 PM)

Therefore, the local time on a longitude of 64 degrees East when the GMT is 10:00 is approximately 2:17 PM.

To determine the local time of a place on a particular longitude when given the GMT time, you need to consider the concept of time zones.

First, you need to know that Earth is divided into 360 degrees of longitude, and the Earth rotates 360 degrees in approximately 24 hours. Therefore, each degree of longitude represents about 4 minutes of time difference.

To calculate the local time, you need to determine the time difference between the GMT (10:00) and the desired longitude (64 degrees East). Since the longitude is East, it means that it is ahead of GMT.

To find the time difference:

1. Multiply the longitude by 4 minutes (because each degree represents 4 minutes).
64 degrees * 4 minutes/degree = 256 minutes

2. Since the desired longitude is ahead of GMT, you need to subtract the result from the GMT time.
10:00 - 256 minutes = 6:24 (approximately)

Therefore, the local time at longitude 64 degrees East when the GMT is 10:00 would be approximately 6:24.