Just a curious question.

Which language would be more useful, Spanish or French.

i think it would be spanish

I think it would be great to learn both!

As far as "usefulness", I think that would depend on where you live and maybe even on the kind of work you do (whom you have more contact with...)

If you live in the U.S., Spanish is the most useful since we have many Spanish but few French speakers.

However, in Canada the reverse is true. Check this site for statistics.


Spanish is the easier to learn. Then, you can use it as a basis for learning Latin and French. In addition, because of the large Hispanic population in this part of the world, it will be more useful in employment.

I agree with what E.G and Ms.Sue said: It depends on where you live. Spanish would be more useful in America and French would be more useful in Canada.

But if you're looking for the easier one, listen to Guru...Spanish!

To determine which language would be more useful between Spanish and French, several factors need to be considered such as the number of speakers, geographic distribution, cultural influence, business opportunities, and personal interests.

One way to find out which language is more widely spoken is by looking at the number of native speakers and total speakers worldwide. According to Ethnologue, Spanish has more native speakers, with around 480 million people speaking it as their first language, while French has around 76 million. However, both languages have a significant number of speakers globally.

Next, considering the geographic distribution, Spanish is spoken in many countries, including Spain, Mexico, most of Latin America, and parts of the United States. In contrast, French is spoken in France, parts of Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, and several African countries. This means that if you have specific travel or work destinations in mind, you may want to consider which language is more dominant in those regions.

Cultural influence can also be a factor in determining usefulness. Both Spanish and French have rich literary traditions and have influenced various art forms, including music, film, and literature. However, Spanish has a more significant influence in popular culture due to its widespread use in the music industry and Latin American telenovelas.

When it comes to business opportunities, again it depends on your specific goals. If you are interested in the European market or international organizations like the United Nations or the International Red Cross, French might be more beneficial. On the other hand, if you are targeting the growing economies of Latin America or looking to work in industries like tourism, hospitality, or international development, Spanish could be more advantageous.

Lastly, personal interest plays a crucial role. If you find the culture, history, or literature of a particular language more intriguing, that can be a significant motivator in choosing which language to learn.

In conclusion, both Spanish and French are widely spoken languages with global significance. The choice between the two depends on your specific needs, such as travel destinations, business opportunities, cultural interests, and personal preferences. Considering these factors will help you determine which language would be more useful for you.