Find the longitude of town y,whose time is 8am when the time of another town x(longitude 30degree east is 2pm the same day)

To find the longitude of town Y, we need to calculate the time difference between town X and town Y, and then convert that time difference into a longitude difference. Here's how you can do it:

1. Determine the time difference between town X and town Y:
- The time difference is 6 hours because 2 PM (town X) minus 8 AM (town Y) equals 6 hours.
- Note: It's important to consider that both towns are on the same day.

2. Convert the time difference into a longitude difference:
- Each hour represents 15 degrees of longitude because the Earth completes one full rotation every 24 hours, and 360 degrees divided by 24 hours equals 15 degrees/hour.
- Multiply the time difference (in hours) by 15 degrees to find the longitude difference.
- In this case, the longitude difference will be 6 hours * 15 degrees/hour = 90 degrees.

3. Determine the longitude of town Y:
- Since town X has a longitude of 30 degrees east, we can calculate the longitude of town Y by adding the longitude difference to town X's longitude.
- So, the longitude of town Y will be 30 degrees east + 90 degrees = 120 degrees east.

Therefore, the longitude of town Y is 120 degrees east.