Adowa received a commission of 20% on a bread she sold.In one week,Adowas commission was Ghs540.00. Find her average daily commission.


(540 * .2)/7 = ?

To find Adowa's average daily commission, we need to divide her total commission by the number of days in a week.

Step 1: Calculate the total commission for the week.
Adowa's commission for the week is Ghs540.00.

Step 2: Calculate the number of days in a week.
Typically, there are 7 days in a week.

Step 3: Divide the total commission by the number of days to find the average daily commission.
Average daily commission = Total commission / Number of days
= Ghs540 / 7
≈ Ghs77.14

Therefore, Adowa's average daily commission is approximately Ghs77.14.

To find Adowa's average daily commission, we need to divide the total commission by the number of days in one week.

Step 1: Calculate the total commission
Adowa's total commission for one week is given as Ghs 540.00.

Step 2: Determine the number of days in one week
A typical week has 7 days.

Step 3: Calculate the average daily commission
To find the average daily commission, divide the total commission by the number of days in a week.
Average daily commission = Total commission / Number of days

In this case, Average daily commission = Ghs 540.00 / 7

Using a calculator, divide 540 by 7 to get the answer.
The average daily commission for Adowa is Ghs 77.14 (rounded to two decimal places).