Estimate 5 2/3 + 3 10/11 *

To estimate the sum of 5 2/3 + 3 10/11, we can first convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions.

The improper fraction for 5 2/3 can be calculated as follows:

5 2/3 = (3*5 + 2)/3 = 17/3

Similarly, the improper fraction for 3 10/11 can be calculated as:

3 10/11 = (11*3 + 10)/11 = 43/11

Now, we can perform the multiplication:

17/3 * 43/11 = (17 * 43) / (3 * 11) = 731/33

Finally, we can add the estimated sum:

5 2/3 + 3 10/11 ≈ 17/3 + 43/11 ≈ (11 * 17 + 3 * 43) / (3 * 11) ≈ (187 + 129) / 33 ≈ 316/33

So, the estimated sum of 5 2/3 + 3 10/11 is approximately 316/33.