PLZ HELP ASAP. Read the informational text on the Olympic games.Then answer the question that follows. What is the text structure of the second paragraph?

To accurately determine the text structure of the second paragraph, the content of the Olympic Games informational text needs to be provided.

To determine the text structure of the second paragraph in the given informational text about the Olympic Games, we need to analyze the organization or pattern of information in that paragraph. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Read the second paragraph carefully, paying attention to the overall organization of information.

2. Look for any signal words or phrases that indicate the structure. These can include words like "first," "next," "in addition," "however," "finally," etc. These words often help indicate the sequence or order of information.

3. Identify the main idea or topic of the paragraph. This will give you a clue about how the information is organized.

4. Consider different types of text structures commonly used in informational texts. These include:

a. Chronological or Sequential: Information is presented in a time-based order, such as historical events or a step-by-step process.

b. Cause and Effect: Information presents a cause or reason, followed by its effect or consequence.

c. Compare and Contrast: Information presents similarities and differences between two or more subjects or ideas.

d. Problem and Solution: Information presents a problem or issue, followed by potential solutions or their results.

e. Description or Exposition: Information provides details or characteristics about a topic without a specific organizational structure.

5. Match the observed organization of the second paragraph to one of the text structures identified in step 4.

Now, using the given steps, you should analyze the second paragraph of the text yourself and identify its text structure. Once you've done that, please provide the relevant information from the paragraph, and I'll be happy to assist you further in determining the correct answer.
