Find the value of this fraction computation:6(1/2+2/3+3/4) w/ w/o distributive property

stop faking to be me faker

Sorry Mr.oobleck that is not me.

enough already!

see your previous post.

Why is there so many "Sonic The Hedgehogs"? i thought i was the only one!

To solve the given fraction computation of 6(1/2 + 2/3 + 3/4) with and without using the distributive property, we'll break it down step by step.

Without using the distributive property:
1. Simplify each fraction individually:
- 1/2 = 3/6
- 2/3 = 4/6
- 3/4 = 4.5/6
2. Add the simplified fractions:
3/6 + 4/6 + 4.5/6 = 11.5/6
3. Multiply the resulting fraction by 6:
11.5/6 * 6 = 11.5

Using the distributive property:
1. Distribute 6 to each term within the parentheses:
6 * (1/2) + 6 * (2/3) + 6 * (3/4)
2. Simplify each product individually:
- 6 * (1/2) = 3
- 6 * (2/3) = 4
- 6 * (3/4) = 4.5
3. Add the simplified products:
3 + 4 + 4.5 = 11.5

Therefore, regardless of whether you use the distributive property or not, the value of the fraction computation 6(1/2 + 2/3 + 3/4) is 11.5.