In order to expand agriculture and urban areas to meet increased demand for growing populations, water supplies often have to be diverted. In three to five sentences, construct a potential chain of consequences for what could happen when water is diverted from large bodies like lakes and rivers. The chain does not have to be linear (i.e., five steps in a row), but can have several branches, one for each different potential consequence.

plz help


Pls help

i cam to help but i will tell you what they are asking and after reserch then you should get a good grade pretty much it is asking what will happen if the bodys of water are diverted hope this helps you a little more


to me the question makes no sense- like how-what do you want me to answer with...?

When water is diverted from large bodies like lakes and rivers to meet the growing demand for agriculture and urban areas, it can have various consequences:

1. Environmental Impact: The diversion of water can disrupt the natural flow and ecosystem of the lake or river, leading to a decline in the biodiversity and habitats of aquatic plants and animals. This disruption can result in the decline or even extinction of certain species.

2. Water Scarcity: Diverting large amounts of water may deplete the source, causing a decrease in water availability downstream. This can lead to water scarcity for communities, affecting their access to clean drinking water and impacting their agricultural practices.

3. Reduced Water Quality: With less water flowing in lakes and rivers, the remaining water may become stagnant and more prone to pollution. The lack of fresh water flow can lead to increased levels of contaminants and decreased water quality, affecting not only aquatic life but also the health of nearby communities relying on these water sources.

4. Impact on Downstream Industries: Diverting water upstream can have significant economic repercussions for industries reliant on downstream water supply. For instance, reduced water flow can impede shipping and navigation activities, impacting trade and transportation.

5. Social and Economic Displacement: The diversion of water may require the displacement of local communities or the acquisition of their lands to make way for new agricultural or urban areas. This can result in social unrest, loss of cultural heritage, and economic challenges as people are forced to relocate and adapt to new environments.

It is essential to carefully consider and manage the potential consequences of water diversion to ensure the long-term sustainability and well-being of both the environment and human populations.